For as long as I can remember I have dreamed of going to Colombia. More than for its appeal of natural beauty, there was a gentle tone within my heart that sounded every time the country’s name was heard.

About five years ago I became aware of a beautiful group of Indigenous that are known as the Kogi of Santa Marta. Residing at fairly high altitudes of the Sierra Nevada mountain range, this particular indigenous group has retained their inner traditional way, having passed their ancient wisdom of the Mysteries, generation after generation, almost unchanged. I resonated deeply with their energy, and I decided that when I finally made it to Colombia, I would seek them out.

In February of this year, I finally did make it! Colombia, at last!

A friend and I decided to go. She being a native Colombian was looking forward to the adventure, for she felt that traveling together she might see her country in a new and refreshing light.

I left organizing the details to her with only one guideline – not too much planning, for we must leave room for Spirit to guide us and follow the energy.

About two days before leaving, I still had no idea how we were going to meet the Kogis. Most of the traditional channels to gain access to the Sierra Nevada were blocked, and we hadn’t a clue how it was all going to manifest.

I decided to sit in meditation to get some clarity. Within seconds, I began to hear a heartbeat-like pulsing. I followed it. Over streams and rivers, across the sea and to the mountains I was drawn. It was then that I realized that I was hearing the heartbeat of the Sierra Nevada mountains!

The pulse reverberated, striking chords within the fibers of my being. It was the mountains that called, beckoning me to come. It had always been the song of the Sierra Nevada that had been drawing me to Colombia. I didn’t know why, but I knew I was finally heeding the call.

A rock that sat upon my nightstand spoke to me. Her energy was warm and pulsing, and while speaking to me, she was also simultaneously communing with the mountains herself. A very special stone from the Camargue region in the south of France, she emanated the energy of the Divine Mother.  She wanted to come. And somehow I knew in my heart that she would not be returning home.


To Be Continued…

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