Faery Light Healing Mentorship

Ready to welcome the magic of life into your everyday world and start living your sacred Earth purpose?


Imagine waking up filled with passion, purpose and your own blazing Soul magic ignited and on fi-ya! You are fully ALIVE, totally on track, and oh-so-in-the-flow! So deeply rooted in your own personal power, you know who YOU really are and what you’ve come to share with the world.

Limitless, empowered and totally free, you revel in being able to receive intuitive guidance from your unseen team of sacred allies, guides and spirit peeps on the reg…picture feeling so mac-mamma energized with passion you’ve got caffeine signing up to take notes…think about the feeling of aliveness you’ll get from one breakthrough and a-ha moment to another!

Most importantly, you are living, breathing and walking your talk each and every day — you are an inspired and co-creative action taker, and it feels so damn good. You are the creator of your life and your destiny, and you can only describe it as pure magic.

Sound too good to be true?

And yet…you feel a sense of urgency to step into your true soul power NOW.

And you know you have powerful gifts  to share, but really uncovering them and using them to make magic in the world is a whole other story….

Because those pesky doubts and fears come a’creepin’ and a’crawlin’, and before you know it, they’ve blown the whole house down. But you are so sick and tired of the fear, stress and chaos holding you back and controlling your life. You yearn to say goodbye to uncertainty, unleash your creativity, and feel clear and confident in who you REALLY are and what you came here to do and be! Oh yeah!!

Now that would dazzle your soul and rock your world, right?

The time has come — and only scratching the surface of your potential is NOT going to cut it any longer.

So are you ready to enrapture your life?

Bring it on!

If you’re ready to step into your own mac-mamma power, activate and awaken the light that YOU are, and springboard your dreams into a living reality, then look no further — for the universe has just guided you to the perfect place! Let’s get your Earth party started and your magical life a’happenin’. Using powerful healing techniques, together we can:

  • Shift, heal and transform your limiting patterns on a multi-dimensional level to finally break free of limitations, self-doubt and fear holding you back.
  • Gain clarity and focus when you start the convo with your sacred allies, guides and spirit peeps, and access the light-filled wisdom of the Faery realm for YOU!
  • Unearth your inner power when you align with the natural rhythms of the moon and sun — let the Earth Mama show you how it’s done!
  • Step into true inner freedom when you unlock the Universal Laws, and roll out a clear plan of inspired action to be who you are IN the world.
  • Reclaim your sacred senses to enhance and convert all your worldly endeavors into a life of real magic, and fulfill your destiny. 

Before I started working with Diomira I felt lost and like I was having an identity crisis. I had bought into the whole “climb the ladder of success,” and while I was successful on the outside, the truth is I was depressed and anxious all the time. I just knew I came here to do work in the world, but I was totally unconnected to my purpose. Diomira taught me tools that changed my life almost immediately– intuitive gifts blossomed, and for the first time, I feel like I’m on the right track. I feel empowered — this work awakens you! Diomira is so authentic and heart-centered, and working with her was a total soul awakening. I am now living in magic!

Jessica Naim

Human Evo Project

How will we work together?

Over the span of three months, we’ll be connecting 1:1 six times — that’s 8+ hours of transformative, tailored sessions of learning, “remembering,” healing and growing into the person of your wildest, most magical dreams. During these sessions, I’ll help you uncover just who you REALLY are, move back into the flow and ease of life and truly begin to live your sacred Earth purpose.


How do the sessions work?

Through a combination of deep, long-distance energy healing and intuitive mentoring, I’ll show you how to heal, clear and release deep-seated soul patterns holding you back, face your fears, dance with your shadow while loving her into wholeness AND overcome your doubts, finally bringing you in touch with your soul’s fullest potential.

Finally, as you increasingly tap into your inner wisdom and become confident and comfortable in your own personal power, with the help of the faeries, I’ll catapult you into a world of magic and mystery more abundant and joyful — AND more grounded — than you ever imagined!

YOUR INVESTMENT: $697 per month for 3 months or pay in full $1799

HOW: Kick off with an initial deep dive intuitive session with Diomira Rose D’Agostino, followed by a combination of 1:1 mentorship and energetic soul healing either in person, via phone or Zoom. A total of 6 sessions (1.5 hrs each) for approximately 3 months.

UPDATE: At this time Diomira is not taking any new private clients. If you are really committed to unlock your soul’s mission and step into all the power, magic and healing potential of a co-creative partnership with the Faery people then please check out all the powerful online courses available.

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