My Story
In my early twenties I became drawn like a magnet to many places of power and mystery the world over. Through traveling to these sacred sites, it was as if I were answering a call, and the spirits of these lands were awakening an ancient wisdom within me that had long been forgotten by my soul.
But my awakening and subsequent initiations were only the beginning (Read my story in my latest book, a magical memoir, Initiation: My Faery Soul Awakening for how it all began). And ultimately, I had no idea what I was doing or why.
Having blown open my structured reality with few answers and many questions, I embarked on years of training, mentoring, healing, and ego refinement with extraordinary mentors and teachers in the field: Cindy Fuller & Patrick Abent at Inner Quest; Pamela Wilson; Shasta Zaring of Goddess Garden Atlanta; Sondra Ray; Tricia McCannon.
This required dedication to Spirit, devotion to my Soul’s Path, and discipline, leading to one spiritual death after another. Each time, I had to resurrect myself from the ashes of my existence, to rise into a new form, each time illuminating more and more of my soul’s true essence.
As I grew in my understanding and wielding of Spiritual Law as it operates in the Universe, I began teaching what I had learned from my own experiences of working with the Otherworld of Faery.
In fact, for a long time, I saw my purpose as connected to enhancing and rebuilding Faery and Human relations; so I taught and led workshops, programs, and spiritual journeys, offering unique experiential containers for healing our relationship with the faery people and expanding our perception of reality to include these energies.
Many students and participants rediscovered their connection to Mother Earth and to Faery.
But educating others about faery was really only the first phase of my life’s work.
The essence of my work is to re-enchant the human heart with the magick from within and all around us as a pathway of healing and remembrance.
Thus New Avalon was born.

New Avalon
After 12 years of engaging the elemental forces and faery inhabitants of the planet, cultivating deep relationships with the spirit world, in 2018, I founded the New Avalon garden and forest sanctuary, a multidimensional community of inner earth beings and benevolent spirits aligned with New Earth consciousness.
You can learn more about New Avalon in this podcast episode.
Now all the initiatory programs and journeys I lead are intended to guide you in your exploration of Embodied Mythic Reality™.
Born of the mythic cauldron of the Heart of New Avalon, they awaken soul remembrance and invite connection with your own heart and body wisdom, helping you expand into your magickal & mythic roots, thus supporting the collective blossoming of New Earth Consciousness.
Gratitude for Lineage

Mythic Lineage Roots
I am a devotee of the Ancient Forest alive at the Heart of the Earth. The medicine of sacred enchantment that flows from this relationship is woven through all my teachings, healing work with land, spirits, students and clients, and in my personal daily life. This work is grounded in my personal direct lived and embodied experience of remembering Faery.
Gratitude to My Teachers
I would like to acknowledge Sharon Bolt and the White Dragon Lineage who arrived at time when I was in great need of refinement, authentic reflection, space holding ethics, and lineage alignment.
Cindy Fuller & Patrick Abent of Inner Quest Metaphysical Church whose early teaching and mentoring during my formative years was invaluable, helping me lay an integral foundation for my spiritual growth and awakening journey.
Shasta Zaring of Goddess Garden Atlanta who was an incredible opening into the depth of the Goddess Mysteries and shared with me the spiritual technology of the Medicine Wheel that would forever change my life and the way I interacted with spirit.
All my teachers seen and unseen, thank you so much. I am forever grateful.
My ability to engage in deep and meaningful field work and practice, realize and embody these experiences, as well as being able to adeptly travel the inner realms of Gaia, tracing energy and truth across dimensions would not be possible without the strong spiritual foundation I have in place thanks to knowledge, training, guidance, and years of mentorship and apprenticeship in metaphysics, energy work, the healing and psychic arts, the Medicine Wheel, ceremony, and herbal and plant medicine wisdom. I honor these human teachers who have shared with me their sacred hard-earned teachings and wisdom and have trusted me with the lineages they carry.
Relevant Qualifications & Certifications
2024 Inner Temple 9 month Temple Keeper Mentorship ~ Sharon Bolt
2023-2024 The Kingdoms of Light ~ Crystal & Tree Kingdoms ~ Sharon Bolt
2023 Spirit Animals ~ Shamanic Energy Training
2023 Pendulum ~ Awaken your Intuition ~ Shamanic Energy Training
2023 Spirit Journeys ~ Shamanic Energy Training
2023 Sacred Space Weaver 3 month program ~ Sharon Bolt
2022 Sacred Familiar 3-month Spirit Doll Course ~ Julia Inglis
2022 By Star & Sea, 4 month tarot training ~ Julia Inglis
2021 6 month Flower Essence Collective continuing education ~ Joanne Ameya Cohen
2020 Handcrafted Herbal Healing Oils 3 month course ~ Kami McBride
2020 Flower Essence 6 month Practitioner Training Program ~ Joanne Ameya Cohen
(certified in spring 2021)
2016 – 2023 Continued Herbalism Workshops ~ Phyllis Light, Teresa Boardwine, Karyn Sanders, Jim McDonald
2018 Call of the Plants 9 month herbal apprenticeship ~ Suzanna Stone, Owlcraft Healing Ways
2016-2017 Foundations of Herbalism 6 month apprenticeship ~ Kat Maier, Sacred Plant Traditions
2015 Shamanic Journeying 3 month mentorship ~ Ahni Atkins
2014 Taste of Herbs 3 month program ~ Rosalee de la Forêt
2014 Into to Field Botany ~ Lorna Mauney-Brodek & Patricia Kyritsi Howell
2013-2015 Goddess Mysteries & Medicine Wheel Ceremonial apprenticeship ~ Shasta Zaring, Goddess Garden Atlanta
2013 Sacred Time, Sacred Space ~ Shasta Zaring, Goddess Garden Atlanta
2013 Awakening to the Mysteries ~ Tricia McCannon, Phoenix Fire Mystery School
2013 Hermetics ~ Tricia McCannon, Phoenix Fire Mystery School
2013 The Magical Worlds of Dreaming ~ Tricia McCannon, Phoenix Fire Mystery School
2012-2013 The Ancient Mystery Teachings 7 month teaching circle ~ Tricia McCannon
2012 The Cycles of the Ages & Galactic Awakening 3 month program ~ Tricia McCannon
2012 Awakening the Illuminated Heart ~ Drunvalo Melchizedek
2009 Liberation Rebirthing Breathwork Training ~ Sondra Ray & Marcus Ray
2009 Loving Relationships Training, Tama Dickerson
2009 Ongoing Rebirthing Breathwork Training, Ananda Bologna & Sondra Ray
2008-2012 Minister of Healing Seminary program ~ Inner Quest Metaphysical Church
- Ordination 2012
- 2008 Meditation 1 & 2
- 2009 Psychic Development 1, Certified Psychic Counselor & Intuitive Reader
- 2009 Energy Healing Course, Certified Inner Light Therapy
- 2009 First Degree Reiki training & Attunement, 9th Generation in Usui lineage
- 2010 Second Degree Reiki training & Attunement, 9th Generation in Usui Lineage
- 2010 Psychic Development 2, Certified Psychic Investigator
- 2010 The Metaphysics of Public Speaking
- 2010 Color Light Therapy Course
- 2010 Merkaba & Flower of Life Workshop
2012 Metaphysical Interpretation of the New Testament 1 year program ~ Inner Quest Metaphysical Church
2011 Aquarian Gospel 1 year program ~ Inner Quest Metaphysical Church
2009 Teacher of Metaphysical Principle Certification one year program ~ Inner Quest Metaphysical Church
2004 Bachelor of Arts: Language & Culture in Spanish
Italian Minor
Magna Cum Laude ~ Kennesaw State University
May you find inspiration and remember that magic is real and it is part of who you are as you engage with me and the medicine of Enchantment.
Please explore and enjoy the selection of podcast episodes and blogs I’ve curated for you below, check out my books; or more committed investments in programs, classes or private sessions when offered.
With love and great respect for the Gaian Dream,
Diomira Rose 🌹
Blog Posts and Podcasts to Get You Started

Flower Essences: Plant Spirit Medicine for Healing and Soul Remembrance – podcast episode
Flower Essences: A Guide to Nature’s Medicine for the Now w/Alexandria Sciarappa – podcast episode
Flower & Forest Medicine: Essences and Alchemy blog
Enter the Faery Gates: A Beginner’s Guide to Exploring Who and What the Faeries Are?
Seeking Faerie with Diomira Rose – Mushroom’s Apprentice podcast
What is the New Earth? Creating a Sacred Relationship with Gaia with Diomira Rose D’Agostino
On The Fully Shining Women Podcast