Imagine you are standing in an enchanted forest clearing. The hour is twilight, and there’s just enough light to ignite the dew-stained wildflowers in a dazzling glimmer. The wind rustles the leaves of the trees, an otherworldly whisper of healing voices and...
“The waters of this Earth are changing; so too are the waters of your bodies—blood, sweat, saliva, tears, fluids of your flowering organs.” When an otherworld fae contact whispered these words in my heart last year I was in such a state of grief that I could barely...
Have you ever had one of those deep-seated wounds that — no matter what you did – you just couldn’t seem to heal it? As healers and seekers of truth, we’re trained to constantly clear and heal all the many layers that come up—of resistance, of pain. To get to...
Looking outside my window I see the snow offers a light layer of cover, still allowing the blades of grass to peak through here and there. Strong and bare are the trees as they wave in the sudden gusts of wind. But even with these sporadic gales, the winter is so...
Have you ever been walking through a forest or tree-lined space and felt yourself relax and move into stillness and peace? Or maybe you even experienced a tingling sensation accompanied by a sense of well-being? There’s so much more going on here than just the...