Dragon Heart:
A Sacred Quest into the Heart of Dragon Consciousness
A three-month online quest and alchemical journey of initiation
into the sacred heart of dragon consciousness and, ultimately, into the depths of your own mystical essence guided by the primordial guardians of our planet.
March 21 – June 20, 2024
A call is heard …
In the heart of winter’s depth, a profound and unexpected invitation emerged from the dragons themselves. Entrusted with the sacred heart memory of their lineage and the pure essence of dragon presence on Earth, I was called to gather a select group of souls for a transformative journey of initiation. This 3-month online quest, “Dragon Heart,” is not just an exploration into the realm of dragons but a deep dive into the very core of our being, guided by the primordial guardians of our planet.
More than a program, “Dragon Heart” is an alchemical journey of initiation into the sacred heart of dragon consciousness and, ultimately, into the depths of our own mystical essence.
During our time together, we will explore the electrifying wonder of magical realms, reinvigorating you with a heart-profusion of soul-nourishing enchantment while rooting you in an ancient spirit lineage that dances with the eternal flame of Gaia Sophia.
We stand upon the cusp of a monumental paradigm shift
As we stand on the cusp of a monumental paradigm shift, where the very cells of our being are awakening, “Dragon Heart” offers a unique communion with dragon consciousness.
This sacred quest is a vehicle birthed from the heart, in harmony with Earth’s first guardians, to guide us into the next octave of consciousness. Through intimate engagement with the dragon’s wisdom, we hold the potential to unlock world-birthing seed codes, initiating profound personal and planetary transformation.
“Dragon Heart” beckons you to a path of love, self-forgiveness, and freedom, intertwined with the power of ancient dragon wisdom. This quest is a gateway to experiencing yourself as a magical being, alive with purpose and belonging, and deeply connected to a spirit lineage that has honored the Dragon and the Rose in the Heart of the Ancient Forest through the ages.
Teaching topics & ancient magickal Spirit practices from the heart of the Otherworld await you*
- Connect with the pure living heart essence of Dragon on the planet–pre-distortion, pre-culture
- Explore hidden truths nested within ancient myths and legend
- Unveil the intricate tapestry of your soul and blood history with dragons, embarking on a path of healing and reconciliation
- Dragon Light Body Activation
- Reinforcement of your own belonging within the web of life
- The dragon connection to the Grail Mysteries and to Faerie
- 5th Element Alchemy Activation – activate and restore balance to your inner elements as a nourishing soul key that unlocks your inner dragon temple (I’m teaching this again for the first time in 6 years!)
- The Cave of Dragons
- The secret mystical Holy Dragon Isle veiled by the Mists of Faeire
- Discover an ancient roadmap of consciousness, the Tree of Life
- Emerge from the shadows of the past, while aligning with your inner truth (with Dragon there can be no other way! 😉 )
- Lineage and Belonging: discover your own mythic story-thread into vast web of this ancient sacred spirit lineage
*topics may change based on the group energy and desires

How the journey unfolds
We will gather weekly online to receive transmissions from the Heart of Dragon, alternating between mystical teachings, sharing circles, and dragon healing temples.
The monthly “healing temple” ceremonies are safely held within in a Medicine Wheel. You will be invited to immerse yourself in the transformative balm of sacred enchantment as together we enter into a a co-created inner-world temple of healing with trusted spirit allies of the dragon, tree, and plant realms where a co-weaving of energy work, inner vision journeying, and magickal ritual take place. These sacred spaces allow tremendous quantum healing at a soul level.
The sharing circles are for you to be witnessed in your journey, receive support, and also experience the collective wisdom of our cohort. There will also be a private online space for you to share and connect with one another and ask questions.
Each month, you will receive a specially formulated flower and dragon essence potion* in the mail. So these powerful energies will be working with you even between our calls. In fact, I would even say that the quest is as much about the in-between time as it is about the calls. The whole 3 months is the QUEST.
*(If you are not familiar with flower essences-—you can read more on my About Page .
Who this is for…
- You have a connection with dragons and are feeling called to work even more deeply with their essence and medicine.
- You wish to heal and resolve issues of power and explore and reclaim your sovereignty.
- You desire to explore New Earth consciousness, not as a concept or ungrounded escapism but as a path of sacred mythic embodiment.
- You have been inviting support from Spirit to guide you deeper on your path of service and stepping into the next iteration of your soul’s expression.
- You are ready to learn about power, sovereignty, truth, healing from masterful and wise teachers (the dragons!)
- You yearn to step further into communion and partnership with the benevolent beings and spirits of Gaia’s sacred realms.
- You would like to work with dragons in your healing practice.
- You are an energy healer, practitioner, spirit worker, psychic, or someone who holds space for others and you wish to expand the depths of your work.
- You feel strongly that the dragons and the spirit realms of the Earth have been calling to you, whispering, beckoning you—a soul summons!

“Dragon Heart” calls to practitioners, energy healers, ceremonialists, and those steeped in the spirit realms, ready to elevate their connection with self and Earth through the ancient wisdom of dragons. No prior experience with dragons is necessary, but a foundation in inner work and shamanic journeying is essential for this profound journey.
**This journey is not for beginners on their spiritual path**
If you’ve have never done any inner work, gone to therapy, worked with a practitioner, or taken a good hard look at your stuff—your shadow, your triggers—and you are not comfortable with taking self-responsibility, this program would not be a good starting place for you.
Program Dates, Investment, & Details
Dragon Heart 2024 Program Dates
Live Calls will be via Zoom for 2 hrs on Thursdays at 6:30pm ET*
March 21 – June 20, 2024
*Every 3 or 4 weeks, there will be a week off for integration. The exact schedule and time of day for the live calls will be determined once enrollment closes, depending on majority of participants’ timezones. We may rotate between two different call times.
Your Investment
$1444 USD if Paid in Full (~$300 savings)
$1733 if made in installments:
3 payments of $577 USD
4 payments of $433 USD
*Custom payment plans beyond the ones described above are considered on an individual basis. We can discuss during our call once you’ve filled out your application.
What’s included in this journey
- 3 x Dragon Alchemy Temple ceremony for transformative healing & energy work with the trusted dragon & plant spirits
- 1 Homecoming essence spray for clearing your energy & opening your heart
- other surprise trinkets mailed to you in your Dragon Heart kit
- access to call recordings for the duration of the program
- **special New Avalon access** graduates of program will be granted special in-persona access to the New Avalon sanctuary where I live either via an in-person private or group retreat with individuals from this cohort some time after the completion of program (cost of retreat is not included)
How do I enroll?
(This application is not binding. But I ask that you only apply if you are serious)
- click the “apply here” button to select and schedule a time for your online interview.
- you will be prompted to fill out your application form in order to book the time. (Please know, this application is not binding. But I ask that you only apply if you are serious)
- once your application has been submitted, the online interview will take place at your selected time. This conversation is to allow you to ask questions and also for us to assess whether joining this program is a suitable energetic match.
- once suitability is decided, then you will be required to submit payment to hold your spot (either full payment or your first installment, depending on which payment option you choose) and process your enrollment
****if you are a recent client, you can email me for a slightly shorter version of the application.
“Emerge” [an online program] was magical beyond words. It not only was this potent journey in the Spirit realms, but wove mythic alchemy in my 3D reality. For me it was an initiation into consciously working with the Sidhe realms. I truly feel forever changed and attuned to these most beautiful realms. I know this was a crossing of a threshold and just one of the first jeweled steps in my journey in working with the Sidhe and myself in this way, and I feel so full of heart and so full of gratitude to have been a part of this most gorgeous experience Diomira wove. I am in awe of Diomira’s gift of sharing the Sidhe medicine ~ her weavings are truly BEAUTY~full. While in the midst of this experience I was ignited to bring forth offerings I have always wanted to bring forward in my own business and feel infused with confidence around this. And after this experience I feel a sense of serenity, deep reverence for my own gifts and medicine, and this anchoring both into my own essence and the essence of Gaia. I am forever thankful to Diomira, the Sidhe and the Flowers.
There are truly no words for the experience of participating in a class that is created by Diomira. Everyone should experience a program with her. After my recent blessed opportunity to say “yes” to attend the sacred sites course, I feel like I have a much deeper, mind-blowing understanding of what it is to be connected to myself, the land that I live on, and the beings all around me. I feel like I was told a secret that I have been wanting to understand, and that should not be a secret. The only person keeping that secret from me was me, and Diomira’s ability to take us on this journey and hold space for each and every one of us gave me that gift! Forever grateful!
I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with Diomira. She has assisted me in changing my perception of myself, which has resulted in more confidence, better relationships with my children and a newfound trust in the benevolence of life. With her patience and wisdom, Diomira led me to make my own discoveries and realizations, which allows me to continue to grow more independently in my work with the Faery Realm. I must also express my thankfulness to my friends and allies of the Faery realm as they add so much joy and enchantment to my life.
Diomira connects you to your sacred inner ecosystem. Not only do you know yourself better at the end of her programs but you know how to harmonize with other beings of light who can guide you even deeper into yourself and the planet. Now is the time to remember this ancient wisdom and not only awaken your own magic but create a better place for all living things!
The Sacred Sites and Quest of Soul offering was much more than a class or workshop. It was a sacred container that had so much magic and meaning to it. Diomira has such a wonderful and easy to understand teaching style. The wealth of wisdom she unselfishly shared is priceless. I had such a fun and enchanting time. My experience with the exercises, meditations, and final ritual has changed my life. I look forward to taking as many classes/workshops as Diomira is called to offer. They are truly life altering.
Working with Diomira has been one of the most powerful, transformative, and empowering journeys I have ever been on. Looking back the deepest experience that I am most thankful for is not only a profound connection to Faerie and to the Earth, but also to the depths of my own being. She never “gave away” the answers (even when I wanted her to! 🙂 ) but taught me tools to journey into my own soul and discover the answers for myself. And she empowered me to believe in my own power, my gifts, and ability to do this – even without her! Now I can tell you my everyday life is truly filled to the brim with magic. It’s transformed my entire outer and inner life, and I feel such a sense of peace, interconnectedness, purpose, and excitement to be fully human and alive at this time on our planet.
To anyone considering journeying with Diomira…I full heartedly encourage you, dear one, to surrender to the divine guidance that has led you to Diomira. Trust and know that you will be held and supported by Diomira and the nature spirits to find a depth of wisdom, loving compassion and strength within you that will forever alter your life trajectory, allowing you to experience more of your wholeness and thus, a life with more embodied Joy.
The loving presence and sacred space that Diomira holds and my adoration for her and her work is truly beyond words. She shares her gift of guiding you and holding space in a manner that is so lovingly in honor of your sovereignty that it allows a true synergy of your Divine Self and unique human personality and gifts to merge. This is what you came for. Blessings Be.
Diomira is the first teacher that I have had to properly explain what a quest is. I do not have the words to express the level of depth and insight that this course has provided me. The information is more than just words. It literally hit me. It felt like codes activated within my cells & then brought to the surface. The quest also forces you to truly know thyself & to be in good relationship with you. I cannot thank Diomira enough for this course, and I am looking forward to using this new found knowledge in all other quest and journeys that I plan on doing.
About Diomira Rose D’Agostino
I am on a mission to re-enchant the world (you can read more about my work and my qualifications here). I have witnessed how the medicine of sacred enchantment blesses, heals, nourishes from the inside out. As modern humans we are mostly starved.
As a result of, first the Industrial Revolution and now the Tech Revolution, many of us have developed ways of being make us feel cut off from the living source of magick and power.
But a connection to magick is our birthright. And far from being a frivolous fantasy or fringe hobby, magick is our soul’s medicine! Without it, we are not fully human.
But we have forgotten. We have forgotten this sacred truth. And we have forgotten magick!
But I intend to help you remember!
Not only that magick is real. But that its tendrils curl and reach toward you, knocking at the door of your heart—even now as you read my words—it clamors for you to remember it as part of who you are.
This program, along will all the containers of experience I create, are born out of the depth of my heartfelt gratitude for the healing and transformative aliveness I have experienced as a result of my own sacred relationships with the benevolent spirits of Nature and unseen guardians of Gaia’s Otherworld. Magick and mystery weave in my everyday life, blessing me in what feels like a daily baptism of sacred enchantment that truly feeds and resources my once-starved soul.
Now I share the magick of these realms of enchantment, not by telling you about them but by creating heart portals for you to bathe in the magickal healing waters of the Otherworld of Faerie for yourself.
May this quest and sacred exploration re-enchant and bless your life,
Diomira Rose

At the intersection between the myth of the land and your soul’s mythic story . . . I’ll meet you there.