Imagine you are standing in an enchanted forest clearing.
The hour is twilight, and there’s just enough light to ignite the dew-stained wildflowers in a dazzling glimmer.
The wind rustles the leaves of the trees, an otherworldly whisper of healing voices and medicine stories.
The elemental forces pool and swell in the atmosphere.
Elven and Fae Elders encircle you, dancing to the healing rhythm of a soulful song of remembrance.
In response to a sacred intent you hold in your 💖 heart, an intelligent, timeless force weaves these faery threads with the medicine songs of plant, flower, tree, stone, creating a healing tapestry with you.
In an alchemical dance of light and darkness, the forest codes are singing from within this sacred mandala.
Somewhere between earth and water, star and stone, it’s a song that invites you HOME to self and soul. Home to the Ancient Mother.
Then, just before the veil between the worlds closes once again, in a resplendent flash of glowing song, you gently pull through these codes of light and anchor them into the physical world in the form of a magickal essence potion.
The music comes to a pregnant pause, and in your hands is a living, bubbling, breathing medicine potion, a healing elixir of flower and leaf, earth and sky.
The moment I step into my apothecary to formulate a potion, I am actually stepping into the Heart of the Ancient Forest . . .🌳🌳🌳🌳
Into the cottage of the Forest Grandmothers where I straddle the threads of destiny in the center of sacred time and sacred space.
Together we weave and spin luminescent medicine ribbons. I do this for myself, for my family, and for my clients.
As you can see, this is more than putting drops into a bottle. This is a dance, a song, it’s a sacred art that has been mostly lost for a long time.
But just like so much of our ancient wisdom—wisdom that no doubt, many of us carry an aching heart for the times when we believed it became lost forever—it is never really gone.
It’s only been forgotten.
But what if all this time, it had been lovingly held for you, for us?
Held in the Heart of Faerie . . .
In roots and rings of the ancient trees in the Ancient Forest . . .
And somewhere else too . . .
In your blood, in your DNA . . .
Because somewhere back in the ancient past, for some maybe thousands of years ago, there is a grandmother who tenderly holds these 🗝 ✨key codes.
Will this be the moment you choose to step forward and activate this living medicine art within you?
Do you desire this for yourself?
In the Elemental Alchemy class, I will help you connect with her, help you unlock your magickal lineage and remember this ancient art of essence potion-making.
Together we will enter the Cottage of the Forest Grandmothers, learn to spin and weave from within the Web of Wyrd with them, and remember how to co-create potent essence formulas.
If this resonates and calls to you, I hope to see you there with me.
Magickal Blessings from the Heart of the Forest,
Diomira Rose