Ever thrown a special party that no one showed up for?

Well, this heartbreak was moments away from being my reality. My worst fear almost come true. I say almost because as I was micro-seconds away from committing a grave error.

Imagine right before the point of no return, the world slows to a breathtaking crawl. Suddenly, it’s as if events are unfolding in slow-motion. Like an eternal pause so thick with tension, it’s excruciating. But it’s exactly what’s needed to STOP just long enough to be struck with a lightning bolt realization: that we are seconds away from making a huge “mistake,” setting ourselves up for a total let down. 

Here’s what happened. 

I was getting ready to officially release Elemental Whispers Essences. 

For months I’d been slowly building up to this moment, taking one step at a time. Sharing a wee bit here, a little snippet there.

In hindsight, I was going slower than a damn turtle on vacation, but hey! What was the hurry? There was no need to rush this beautiful unfolding dream of my soul.

Then finally, there was a shift. A confluence of powerful energies—two full moons in Aquarius, Leo season, the Lionsgate and Sirius Rising, Venus in her Moon Gate of the Solar Plexus!

Not to mention the essence beings singing very loudly to me “It’s time. It’s time.”

I mean it doesn’t get much better than this. This was just was I’d been waiting for—a supportive stellar portal and powerful window to introduce Elemental Whispers Essences officially into the world. Holy mole the time had arrived! 

So I followed the energy:

Record the most wonderful official release video—a potent transmission of heart and soul—CHECK.

Create listings on ETSY for the 5 never-before-released essence beings singing to be shared with the world—CHECK. 

Record a beautiful video share about these essences with medicine stories, codes of enchantment, all the things—CHECK. 

Write an email message to you all sharing about all this magical auspicious moment—CHECK. 

Just before I hit send on your email message, it hits me. Not like a little ping. No, this was the blaring lightning bolt that struck me to high heaven. 


I mean, sure I was gonna send you an email letting you know. But that’s like scheduling a huge birthday party for next week and then sending a last-minute note to my friend saying “Hey btw I’m doing this amazing, wonderful, super important-to-me thing and…well…it’s next week, so hope you can make it.”

I’m a Libra, and I take birthdays very seriously. In fact, if you know me then you know I don’t have a birth-DAY. I have a birth-MONTH. I usually make plans weeks ahead of time (or I expect everyone else to 😉 )

But here I was, about to throw a friggin party, and I was practically doing it under the cover of night! I hadn’t even told ANY of my friends that I was doing this release—NOT A ONE!!! I mean I literally scheduled a viewing party next week, and my friends don’t even know about it!!! 

That’s when I realized something else.

I was still hiding.

While there’s nothing wrong with going slow like I had been, I think there’s also a part of me that was afraid of getting hurt. Afraid of putting myself out there—like really sharing this dream of my heart, this tender creation of love and magic that is so special to me—

What if no one sees the magic?

What if no one wants my heart creations?

What if no one shows up to my Elemental Whispers release viewing party?

Well, if no one really knows about it, then I don’t have to feel rejected when no one comes. 

After all this time, all these years of inner work, deep down inside, I was still operating with a subconscious fear no one would show up to my birthday party. Or in this case, my Elemental Whispers release party. Holy Mother! 

Well, no more lurking in the shadows. I’m turning right now to face this fear. I’m looking at her head on.

And in this moment, I’m taking her hand and telling her, “I know you’re afraid. It’s okay to love something this much. And it’s safe to come out. It’s safe to be so darn excited, you wanna jump up and down. It’s okay. Because not only does this heart dream bring you so much joy. But it’s going to bless a lot of people too. If you can come out and share, regardless of how scary that is, it’s going to bring a lot of joy, magic, love and healing into the world.”

And with that, we are turning to you, and letting you know: IT’S HAPPENING. And yes, I’m still scared as sh*t. But guess what? We’re going to do it anyway.  

We’re going to throw a party to be proud of. I’m thinking potent story transmissions, fun behind-the-scenes peeks, giveaways, exclusive essence parties and more.

And we’re going to scream it from the rooftop. Hell, I might go up to the mountain! I’m telling all my friends and you can tell all yours too. Because all y’all are invited.

This Libra has got some planning to do!!!  

So stay tuned for details on the what, when, where and how coming soon. 

Here’s to feeling the fear and doing it anyway!


Diomira Rose

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