Have you ever had one of those deep-seated wounds that — no matter what you did – you just couldn’t seem to heal it?
As healers and seekers of truth, we’re trained to constantly clear and heal all the many layers that come up—of resistance, of pain. To get to the underlying story or limiting belief pattern that has been wreaking havoc in our everyday world and seemingly running the show.
Over my lifetime, I can’t even tell you how many reiki, rohun, EFT, breathwork, past life journeys I’ve done, all in the name of healing, so that I can be the best I can be both in my personal life and also professionally for my clients and community.
But I can share that, for me personally, it has often has felt like an uphill battle.
But what if there were a gentle, easeful path of healing? One that allowed us to go deep but never more than we were ready for? How would you like to receive this kind of powerful support and medicine from the realms of nature?
How would you like to be kissed by a flower?
Working with the spirit of a flower can offer profound healing and reclamation of soul self. They can meet and repair emotional wounds and trauma. They are such great allies to support us in our inner work.
Flower medicine reaches deep into dark corners of our consciousness to shine the light and gently penetrate our emotional body, not to “scare away” the wounded parts of ourselves, but to collect them, embrace them and restore them to wholeness.
Just like us, flowers and other plants are multi-dimensional beings. Physically, a flower may appear as a combination of stem, blossom and its intricate parts. However, just as humans exist beyond the physical as mental, emotional and spiritual beings, flowers are much more than what meets the eye.
Have you ever lain in a field of lavender or a meadow filled with wildflowers and felt uplifted?
What about feeling an altered sense of well-being while walking through a forest or a beautiful garden?
Something within you changes and suddenly you feel joyful and maybe even momentarily carefree. This is a result of the medicine of the flowers, plants and trees. Each type of plant has different healing gifts to offer.
To get started, perhaps you might to choose to work with a particular flower essence. Is there a certain flower that has been calling to you? What might this particular flower’s message be for you? A relationship such as this is so worth developing, for it holds so many gifts.
Gaia offers so many doorways to healing and remembrance. Working with her medicine can be fun, powerful and deeply fulfilling.
Perhaps you’re ready to step into a magical container and work with someone who can guide you on this journey.
Then you can connect with me, where we can explore what working together might look like and see if it resonates as the right and perfect next step on your Remembrance Journey.
*Photo by Rosemary Quade Nichols