Sacred Sites &
Quests of the Soul
A 6-week online spiritual quest exploring the living mysteries of the land and awakening its magick within you.
Join the newsletter to be notified when the next cohort of Sacred Sites begins. Timing is based on how much interest there is.
Expand your awareness of the living land
- Does the sheer mention of a certain sacred site or land stir an unexplainable yearning?
- Have you ever wondered why some faraway places seem more alive than your own backyard?
- What if you could experience the magick and connection of land no matter where you are?
- How can land help us heal and know ourselves at a soul level?
- If you are planning a trip or pilgrimage, what is the best way to proceed and ensure you embark in right relationship with the land and its spirits?
- Are you curious why these ancient places of power and mystery might be calling to so many of us now?
In this 6-week questing container, I will be teaching about the Mysteries of Mother Earth. Together we will embark on a Quest of the Soul where you will discover a New Earth template for connecting with land consciousness, whether it’s far, far away or in your own backyard or neighborhood park.
Stones and crystals in the Earth are singing songs of remembrance to us right now—are you listening?

Sacred Sites have been captivating the human imagination for centuries.
But have you ever stopped to wonder why?
Or why one place becomes more renowned for its “spiritual energy” over another?
People often feel drawn like a magnet to these places of power.
Stone circles, starry temples, flowing springs, and sacred mounds . . .
But do you really have to travel to faraway, to exotic places?
What if the living mystery is hiding in plain sight, in your own backyard?
What if the land has just been waiting for you to hear it calling?
This is all part of the Sacred Earth Mysteries that have been inviting you to listen.
There are planetary shifts afoot.
If you are being called to a sacred site, there is a reason.
But you really don’t have to travel very far to discover that living magic is all around you.
Together we will discover our own heart magic awakened in relationship to the heart of the living land.
. . . a quest of the soul.
Answering a call to any land, near or far, or even to deepen with the land you live on, has the potential to become a Quest of the Soul. The quest is a type of spiritual journey that prompts spiritual growth, awakening, and consciousness expansion.
Learn about sacred art of the quest by experiencing it firsthand as we journey together within this initiatory container. You will discover proper preparation and practices to ensure you are in relationship with the land and sacred site we will be connecting to. Then you will have an embodied experience of how to apply this learning to any relationship with land and its spirits near and far.
My desire is to help you transform the way you engage with the sacred ecology of the Earth into an authentic expression of sacred communion.

I will be sharing from my embodied experience from years of soul travel and pilgrimage to over 80 sacred sites and holy places of mystical power all over the world and many within miles of my own backyard where I’ve worked in co-creative allyship with the energies, spirits, and beings of the land, including the co-creation of a multidimensional New Avalon community of benevolent spirits and inner earth beings where I live.
I’ve also made tons of stupid mistakes that I’ve lived to tell about. I will be bringing all this to the program.
During the 6-weeks, you won’t just be learning information about sacred sites, the cycles of awakening Earth consciousness, and aligning with the sacred ecology of land;
This spirited container is intentionally crafted to be its own initiatory quest.
The template I will teach you in this course will bring you into an expanded perspective of Sacred Site Consciousness and coming into soul-aligned relationship with the living land.
Our final class will be a virtual Sacred Site ceremony, one whose spirit has chosen to “journey” the group and offer healing and medicine.
This container and all magick, ceremony, co-creative spirit work will be woven using the Sacred Space Weaver template taught by Sharon Bolt of the White Dragon Lineage®.
In this 6-week questing series*
– Cultivate a deeper relationship with the Earth and its sacred guardians
– Specific practices to engage with these spiritual forces with honor and respect
– Uncover layers of permission and learn proper protocols & etiquette for visiting sacred sites, powers of place, or any land in right relationship
–Understand the different layers of consciousness operating as part of any spiritual ecology and inner landscape
-Guardians, Earth spirits, keepers, Otherworld encounters
-Earth energetics, grid consciousness, New Earth energy architecture and infrastructure
– Attune to the language of the land – at an energetic level – so you can receive and perceive and engage in soul conversations
– Energy treasures and hidden wisdom – how to make yourself ready to receive this sacred privilege
– Trees as sacred sites
– Stepping into the story or mythic reality of land
*topics may change based on the group energy and desires

Payment Details & Schedule
Your Investment
TBD ~if paid in full at registration (discount of $50 for pay in full)
2 payments of TBD
3 payments of TBD
Course Schedule
Replays will be held within the private online portal and available to rewatch throughout the duration of the program and for up to two weeks after the program ends.
What others have said about this course & my other journeys and programs
The Sacred Sites and Quest of Soul offering was much more than a class or workshop. It was a sacred container that had so much magic and meaning to it. Diomira has such a wonderful and easy-to-understand teaching style. The wealth of wisdom she unselfishly shared is priceless. I had such a fun and enchanting time. My experience with the exercises, meditations, and final ritual has changed my life. I look forward to taking as many classes/workshops as Diomira is called to offer. They are truly life altering.
There are truly no words for the experience of participating in a class that is created by Diomira. Everyone should experience a program with her. After my recent blessed opportunity to say “yes” to attend the Sacred Sites course, I feel like I have a much deeper, mind-blowing understanding of what it is to be connected to myself, the land that I live on, and the beings all around me. I feel like I was told a secret that I have been wanting to understand, and that should not be a secret. The only person keeping that secret from me was me, and Diomira’s ability to take us on this journey and hold space for each and every one of us gave me that gift! Forever grateful!
Diomira is the first teacher that I have had to properly explain what a quest is. I do not have the words to express the level of depth and insight that this course has provided me. The information is more than just words. It literally hit me. It felt like codes activated within my cells & then brought to the surface. The quest also forces you to truly know thyself & to be in good relationship with you. I cannot thank Diomira enough for this course, and I am looking forward to using this new found knowledge in all other quest and journeys that I plan on doing.
Sacred Sites and Quests of the Soul was an amazing experience whether you’re planning to physically journey to a sacred site or you’re on really any other kind of personal quest. I experienced a deeper understanding of my relationship to the planet and her energies that gave me a new sense of wholeness. My connection to planet and all her beings is stronger than it has ever been. If you feel called, just do it.
I finished the video series and I am so filled with gratitude and glitter. I was skeptical that one could have a real soul journey while making it public, but I was also very curious. It didn’t take long to have a complete “turn-around” on that thought. It began on Day 2: When we [virtually & energetically] entered the Black Forest, I felt something so deep, magnetic, drawing me into it. My soul expanded, and I felt like I was vibrating. The magnetism got stronger and stronger, like I was being pulled into the middle of the forest. Something deeper was drawing me into it. And then this big “DUH,” hit me. “You’re in Germany!” The place where my ancestors originated. I went into fast and furious research mode. I discovered my people came from the state that the Black Forest is in. Their homeland was in, around, the Black Forest. I had returned.
I am walking with my ancestors. I will continue to be here with them, and for them, as I know they will be for me. I will simply hold it and allow it to unfold for now. I am finally embracing my German heritage with love and belonging. thank you for facilitating such an amazing soul journey beyond anything I could have imagined.
“Emerge” [an online program] was magical beyond words. It not only was this potent journey in the Spirit realms, but wove mythic alchemy in my 3D reality. For me it was an initiation into consciously working with the Sidhe realms. I truly feel forever changed and attuned to these most beautiful realms. I know this was a crossing of a threshold and just one of the first jeweled steps in my journey in working with the Sidhe and myself in this way, and I feel so full of heart and so full of gratitude to have been a part of this most gorgeous experience Diomira wove. I am in awe of Diomira’s gift of sharing the Sidhe medicine ~ her weavings are truly BEAUTY~full. While in the midst of this experience I was ignited to bring forth offerings I have always wanted to bring forward in my own business and feel infused with confidence around this. And after this experience I feel a sense of serenity, deep reverence for my own gifts and medicine, and this anchoring both into my own essence and the essence of Gaia. I am forever thankful to Diomira, the Sidhe and the Flowers.
“I feel “Emerge” was a huge part of my growth in so many ways and layers, but it was not the only catalyst at work. Also I feel that even though it brought me quite far on my path, it is far from being over, so “Emerge” continues! There have been so many wonderful experiences and confirmations, I can only say WOW. I think the big shift occurred after me being comfortable and the forest being comfortable enough with me, trusting itself and testing me enough to be allowed through that glorious threshold into the light. And embracing it’s energy.
I would describe the journey as: Nothing ventured nothing gained; I ventured, I gained so much in turn! Believe in magic and miracles, miracles and magic happen; The universe is there to support us in everyway possible if we allow it to.
I would like to express my deepest Gratitude and my Love from the depths of my HEART, to Diomira for sharing her gifts and guidance of Spirit with us.
I want to let you know how much I gained out of last year’s trip. At first I did not see much that seemed very different but that perspective has changed drastically, much to my delight and growth. I now am able to see a more self-assured way of my being. It is unusual for me. I realize how readily I am drawing more loving/giving beings to me on a regular basis. I trust myself more and I feel more visible with the ones I meet.
I honor you and give you great thanks for your part in giving me these gifts. I love the opportunities to open up to and continue my going deeply into my soul while seeing the love and beauty that I am just now beginning to realize is in me. Thank you for all you have given me so far.
To anyone considering journeying with Diomira…I full heartedly encourage you, dear one, to surrender to the divine guidance that has led you to Diomira. Trust and know that you will be held and supported by Diomira and the nature spirits to find a depth of wisdom, loving compassion and strength within you that will forever alter your life trajectory, allowing you to experience more of your wholeness and thus, a life with more embodied Joy.
The loving presence and sacred space that Diomira holds and my adoration for her and her work is truly beyond words. She shares her gift of guiding you and holding space in a manner that is so lovingly in honor of your sovereignty that it allows a true synergy of your Divine Self and unique human personality and gifts to merge. This is what you came for. Blessings Be.
This was my first experience of working directly with the faery world. It was very informative and opened me to connecting directly. It helped to explain experiences from my past that I didn’t understand or know how personally I was being contacted or helped. Diomira is very knowing in both the physical information and spiritual connection of the subject. She is so full with love and joy of her subject it will light your fire. She gives her time freely in helping and encouraging each one to follow their soul’s calling. I’ve learned how to set a path for myself to follow and use in future.
This is for you if you…
- Want to cultivate and discover the magic of your land
- Want to explore a strong connection you have to a certain place
- Currently live on land you wish to deepen with
- Are in the process of looking for land you will steward
- Want to infuse more magick, and soul alignment into your trips
- Would like to learn more about how to best prepare spiritually and energetically for an upcoming trip
- Desire an embodied experience of the Earth mysteries and land consciousness
*Whether or not your goal is to travel, the activations and practices shared in the questing container are designed to create an embodied experience of working with the living consciousness of land and align you with the burgeoning New Earth consciousness waking up in the cells of all life on this planet.
What this teaching series does not cover
This is not a training on geomancy. It will also not teach you how to perform high magickal ceremony at sacred sites or to do any kind of energy or healing work while there. These are skillsets that require massive amounts of training and experience.
At the intersection between the myth of the land and your soul’s mythic story . . . I’ll meet you there.
About Diomira Rose D’Agostino
In my early twenties I became drawn like a magnet to many places of power and mystery the world over. Through traveling to these sacred sites, it was as if I were answering a call, and the spirits of these lands were awakening an ancient wisdom within me that had long been forgotten by my soul.
But my awakening and subsequent initiation were only the beginning. When an unexpected and cryptic faery initiation occurred on a lone hill in a foreign land, an epic real-life Grail Quest of the Soul ensued. I embarked on years of training, mentoring, healing, and ego refinement with extraordinary mentors and teachers in the field. Through my years of training and traveling through sacred lands, I touched something deep, magickal and ancient within myself.
Since then, I’ve taught and led dozens of workshops, programs, international retreats and spirit journeys, offering unique experiential containers for healing our relationship with the many kingdoms and allies of this Gaian Dream and spiritual ecology, and helping expand our perception of reality to include these energies and beings in our everyday weavings and workings in true sovereign partnership and allyship.
Today it is my greatest joy to share what I have learned and help other humans re-enchant theirs lives and expand into a their version of Embodied Mythic Reality.
May you this quest and sacred exploration re-enchant and bless your life,
Gratitude to My Lineage
This program is a culmination of my experience, training with both human teachers and my spirit and fae allies, and what I would have loved to have found as a support for myself during my years of exploring many lands. With deepest heartfelt gratitude I acknowledge the support and care of my early teachers from Inner Quest Metaphysical Church (2006-2012) and Shasta Zaring of Goddess Garden Atlanta (2013-2015).
I also acknowledge the extraordinary wisdom and continued support and training I receive from my mentor Sharon Bolt and The White Dragon Lineage®, whom I have studied the art and refinement of Sacred Space Holding, Shamanic Magick, Ceremonial Arts, Plant Spirit Ceremonial Work since 2023.