Have you ever been walking through a forest or tree-lined space and felt yourself relax and move into stillness and peace?
Or maybe you even experienced a tingling sensation accompanied by a sense of well-being?
There’s so much more going on here than just the physiological compounds emitting from the trees.
The energy fields of the trees extend way beyond their physical form and are able to impact us on all levels of our being—mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, and energetic.
How can we open to the wisdom and healing the trees have for us?
Next time you’re walking among them in an area such as a forest or wooded space, become aware of how you feel.
Simply being in the presence of trees can activate heart consciousness, which is the first step to relationship-building with the living world. Then pause and bring your conscious awareness to the trees and how you feel in their presence.
Whether you know it or not, the trees are balancing your energy and oftentimes can even evoke your soul’s wisdom to bubble up from deep within you.
Another way to experience the blessings of the trees is to cultivate a relationship with a specific tree.
Is there a particular type of tree that you are fond of? Each type of tree has a unique medicine. This medicine is a healing gift for humanity at this time and can support us on both a collective and an individual level.
Once you have determined which tree is calling to you, then you can cultivate a relationship with it.
You can do this in a couple different ways.
First, you can work with the essence of this tree. Essences are the vibrational patterns and medicine codes preserved and bottled, so that they can then be ingested to receive the healing frequencies of that tree, flower or plant.
My current favorites are Live Oak, Red Cedar, Yew, and Ash and I add these essences to many of my current clients’ customized formulas.
Another way to work with a particular tree is to find the tree in your surrounding area. Physically visit the tree, and sit with it. Try not to have any expectations.
Either way, whether working with the physical tree or its essence, you’ll want to take time to breathe and feel the tree’s energy. Just be open.
Don’t overthink this or try to force it to happen.
Before you complete, make sure you thank the tree.
This is simple enough to do daily or weekly. Remember we do not develop a deep and meaningful friendship overnight. Even if you do not have time to do the entire exercise above, take time daily to consciously acknowledge the tree you are working with. You will be amazed at how this changes your life, and helps you awaken to your connection with All That Is.
Most of all, remember relationships take time. So be patient. This is only the beginning.