Looking outside my window I see the snow offers a light layer of cover, still allowing the blades of grass to peak through here and there. Strong and bare are the trees as they wave in the sudden gusts of wind. But even with these sporadic gales, the winter is so silent.
Which makes it all the more easy to sense the urgency in the heart of humanity at this time. For change is upon us . . .
And the movements of the great cycles do not yield to the Lady of Winter. But they do trade secrets often.
Today I caught one of those whispered truths on the wind: a message from the Standing Nation, the Trees.
It was no more than a nudge, but sometimes those are the loudest.
It was a reminder that these ancient beings that so many of us feel drawn to, hold great wisdom for humanity, and during these times of change, they can be one of our greatest allies. They urge us to hear them now, to heed their call.
This is not an invitation for your sympathy or sentimentality. What they ask for instead—indeed what they require—is for you to lend your inner ear and your sacred heart. And listen. For we mustn’t forget the powerful medicine they have for us now. They share it so freely.
Their medicine helps us stand tall and firm, gives us courage, root us deeply in our body.
The trees can help you find your strength, so you can do what you need to do in the world.
They reach up toward the heavens, but they do not get lost there, no! For they are also rooted deep, drawing their sustenance, strength and power from the depths of the Underworld; fed and nurtured by the womb of Gaia, they show us how we too can weather the storm.
Remember the trees are ancient beings, and they are an active part of the Gaia plan unfolding at this time.
If you need inspiration or wish to connect with the trees more, here are several ways you can deepen with these beings:
Honor & Acknowledge
The next time you go for a walk, honor and acknowledge the trees around you. Introduce yourself. Say hello. You can do it silently if it makes you feel silly. You’ll be surprised how far acknowledgement goes. Especially condition-free acknowledgement. Can you say hello and not expect anything? Try it and see what happens!
The Song of the Hemlocks
This is a story about a profound multilayered journey with the hemlocks. This pieces is called The Song of the Hemlocks. May the “coincidences” in this story remind us that we don’t have to have all the answers. The pieces of the puzzle fall into place on their own time. But it is YOU who can set them in motion and keep the flow going by listening, following your guidance one breadcrumb at a time, and then taking action no matter how seemingly insignificant or enigmatic each step seems to be.
Tree Essences
Working with Tree Essences are another way to connect with the medicine of the trees. Through ingesting this vibrational infusions we can come to commune with the wisdom and healing codes the trees have for us at this time, and thus come to know ourselves more deeply.
So read the story. Journey with the Essences. Get inspired. Receive the medicine of the trees.
May you feel their love and wisdom at this time.