
Quest of the Holy Grail: My 24-hour Holy Hell Initiation

Quest of the Holy Grail: My 24-hour Holy Hell Initiation

  How does one undergo their own quest of the Holy Grail? For me, the Grail manifested itself in my life as a sped up, supercharged initiation that was compounded into a 24-hour holy shit experience of ego refinement that totally triggered, uprooted and...

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The Summer of Winter and the Death of Rebirth

The Summer of Winter and the Death of Rebirth

  Faery Light is in the death ebb of winter. I stood upon the banks of a lazy river, and like an image slowly coming into focus, these words seemed to be carried slowly, bit by bit, by the slow-moving current. As the full understanding of the realization dawned,...

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When DEATH is the only answer

When DEATH is the only answer

Death?! Golly! I mean really, Diomira? Must you be so morbid? Can we not talk about “happy things” -- airy-fairy ideas and light-filled lively teachings that inspire us? Death is a doorway of transformation, and to avoid it is to never fully come into relationship...

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4 Myths about Faeries and How to Avoid Them

4 Myths about Faeries and How to Avoid Them

  4 Myths about Faeries and How to Avoid Them Ever felt your soul sing in delight upon hearing about faeries? Do you secretly guard and protect your “silly” belief in these beings? Maybe you’ve even had the luck of an otherworldly or mystical faery experience,...

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Know Thy Inner Dragon

Know Thy Inner Dragon

You know I love challenging some of these outmoded New-agey ideas. So let’s unpack this one together, shall we? “Send love to the situation.”  or “Send that person love.”  Ever heard this New Age solution to anything that upsets you or gets you out of sorts? Does it...

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Snake Medicine: Restore Your Boundaries

Snake Medicine: Restore Your Boundaries

  Have you ever wondered about the power of the snake? Why do YOU think the snake bites? For the longest time, I believed the snake bites for protection. Today I learned otherwise. Nearing the end of an intensive program I've been teaching about  dragon power and...

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Sacred Senses and Psychic Abilities – Do you have them?

Sacred Senses and Psychic Abilities – Do you have them?

The coveted question: Am I psychic? Or Do I have intuitive gifts? Well, the answer is VERY simple: YES! Now how could I possibly know that YOU, the reader, are psychic? Well, let me share a little secret: EVERYONE IS! That’s right. Finally a rule with no exceptions...

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Trees: A Powerful Ally in Times of Chaos

Trees: A Powerful Ally in Times of Chaos

Looking outside my window I see the snow offers a light layer of cover, still allowing the blades of grass to peak through here and there. Strong and bare are the trees as they wave in the sudden gusts of wind. But even with these sporadic gales, the winter is so...

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Are You Overriding Your Intuition?

Are You Overriding Your Intuition?

    Intuition is the hot topic right now. To hear or not to hear...that is the question. We can't seem to figure out if it's our yapping mind or the Still Small Voice Within aka Ms. Intuition that's trying to get a word in. So how can you know if you are...

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DIY Spirituality: Empowering You To Be Your Own Oracle

DIY Spirituality: Empowering You To Be Your Own Oracle

I don’t want to “do it for you.” Going to another for spiritual enlightenment or to receive channeled wisdom from the inner realms can lead to spiritual enslavement. Whoa! That’s heavy. Maybe, but it’s something that needs to be addressed in the spiritual community....

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