Faery Light is in the death ebb of winter.

I stood upon the banks of a lazy river, and like an image slowly coming into focus, these words seemed to be carried slowly, bit by bit, by the slow-moving current. As the full understanding of the realization dawned, a tidal pool of grief and resistance was also unleashed:

But what about the five people who just reached out and want to study the Faery Mysteries and transform their life?

And who will reach the 3 remaining people that are meant to journey deep with me and the others in the Remembering the Faery Secrets of Avalon retreat this September that I KNOW are out there?

And who will do the months of prep work required to re-launch Magical Life Mastery live– so the dozens of people that are on the waitlist are not left hanging?

Three ravens sat perched upon a bare branch that poked out of the river on the other side. Their piercing silence followed by a low-pitched nasal caw drew me deeper into myself where a doorway to the unseen realms of light opened. The Grandfather and Grandmother Spirit of the land bid me enter. As I walked along a dark passageway that seemed to go on forever I heard clearly:

A necessary phase within the cycle of life, death is not the end, but a momentary pause that signals the passageway into rebirth. Without death, nothing new can ever arise.

I’d been so filled with doing – teaching, designing, creating, channeling, meditating, healing, implementing – all of the wonderful actions of my day-to-day world of Faery Light Mystery School.

In fact, thanks to the unceasing support of the unseen realms and my own tenacity, so many of my original dreams for Faery Light Mystery School had now been realized:

  • Dozens, if not hundreds, of students, clients and community members have experienced deep transformation and remembering of their soul’s magic;
  • Countless bridges of sacred partnership between the Faery and human worlds have been forged;
  • Healing, magic and homecoming has touched the hearts of so many through the mentorships, courses and Faery Light retreats.

Now, however, I sensed something new, deep and potent was brewing and bubbling. But it needed space to emerge. And I would need to let go and surrender — perhaps to a greater degree than I ever had before.

Because when pressure builds, often our natural tendency is to release it. As quickly as possible. But when something bigger than you wants to be born, you must learn to hold the tension and get very comfortable with discomfort.

After receiving this insight I finished projects and programs that were running, deciding that Faery Light Mystery School and me would take a…dare I say it…

…a summer vacation!

Wow — a summer vacation! How wonderfully delicious it sounds even now as I write it.

Can you remember how anxiously you used to await summer vacation from school to arrive? Visions of lazy reading, sleeping in, pool parties, sun tans and hanging out with friends into the wee late hours. Ahhhh!!!

Just like the ringing of the last bell of the last day of school, my last program, Magical Life Mastery, finished with a bang, graduating eleven powerful Faery Light Walkers. Shortly thereafter my last few private Faery Light Initiates also received their magical initiations, completing their Faery Light Mentorship and spreading their wings to take flight and live magically and powerfully in the world!

As if by magic and letting go, my schedule was miraculously clearing. All I had to do now was not be the “yes woman” that I can sometimes be. I needed to be firm in my resolve and not commit to a dozen more things.

I was all ready to settle into the increasing waves of heat brought in by the winds of summer.

But first, one more magical adventure awaited me – I’d been invited to present at the 18th Annual Fairy & Human Relations Congress in Twisp, Washington. Easy peasy. I’d taught a hundred times before. This was no different. It should be easy like a summer breeze, right?

WRONG! Definitely wrong. And was I in for a huge surprise!

Discover how I underwent my own quest of the Holy Grail – a sped up, supercharged initiation that was compounded into a 24 hour holy shit experience of ego refinement that totally triggered, uprooted and illuminated any and all parts of me that were not fully integrated and aligned with my soul’s fullest expression as the embodied Holy Grail! Say what?!

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