I had been working so hard to convey more clearly what it is I have to share with you, and even more, how it can help you in your life where you are.

Not so long ago, I was a girl with a message. This message was an unusual message by some standards. Not because its underlying truths weren’t found anywhere else; actually, the uniqueness of my message was the viewpoint from which it hailed — a viewpoint, not from “above” but from DEEP within – the inner Earth realms, the Faery people, the vision of the Mother.

But for the longest time, I sat in bewilderment. People just were not getting it.

Have you ever had something so powerful and life-changing to share, but you might as well have been speaking to a wall? 

I remember screaming at the Universe: “You listen up! if you want me to keep doing this then I’m going to need a little help here! Dammit!”

I felt like I was “letting Mother Earth down.” Mostly, I felt I was letting myself down.

Back then, I’m not sure what kept me going, except for the stirring of remembrance I saw in a few that did get it and allowed the magick and medicine to support them.

Most people, however, did not understand, or they thought this work with Faery was a New Age frivolity. They just couldn’t see how this work applied to them or the “real world.”

How could faery be relevant to me? They’d want to know. 

It’s silly. Perhaps magic is real. Perhaps faeries do exist. But so what. I have work to do and bills to pay. What has it got to do with me?

And in my heart, I wanted to scream! I wanted to yell, “It has everything to do with you!”

But I didn’t. Not ever. I remained quiet. Nearly silent.

Getting others to believe was not my desire, nor was it my style. It wasn’t that kind of “message.” What I had to share was an invitation to experience a relationship with Gaia and the Faery people or the Sidhe as they are sometimes known, so you could expand into a richer, deeper more nuanced version of who you really are in connection with All That Is. 

Not only that, but it was about rekindling the spark of light within and reinvigorating your Soul-force!

I knew I was missing something…what was it?

So I toiled, and dug, and dug even deeper.

If people can’t hear “the song” you are singing from your heart and soul, or perhaps they can hear, but not understand…what then? 

You cannot give up when someone doesn’t get it or you. Perhaps they never will. And that’s okay. Because different strokes for different folks.

But sometimes you just have to make a shift within.

And that’s what I did.

So what’s different?

Not me. I’m still the same girl. One who has a message to share, direct from the heart of Gaia and Faery.

That’s right, do not pass go, do not collect your $200; go straight to the heart of humanity was essentially what I got told 😉

Because this message is about the awakening of the planet and humankind. About choice and fate. How our destiny and that of the spirit world are forever intertwined.

And no matter how far we stray from the path of our own heart and soul, love is always there to bring us back.

And by the way, that time is NOW. We are the last line of defense. Make no mistake! The cycle of the ages is turning once again.

We are being invited to walk back into healed wholeness–being guided gently, or dragged kicking and screaming–the choice is ours and always has been — to a point.

You see, Gaia is not a victim any more than we are. She will not let us destroy her. She’s GOT this! But her children (that’s us)…well, we have got some ‘splainin’ to do!

And our elder brothers and sisters (the Sidhe, the plant folk, the mountains, and some indigenous elders too) have been telling us for some time now, “Mom’s gonna be home soon. You better clean this mess up. You know she won’t be happy.”

But unbeknownst to us, she has been home the whole time, waiting, watching us, seeing what we’ll do. Because it’s much more powerful if we decide to do the thing because we want to and not because “mom” says we have to and makes us.

So this is what my southern friends call a “Come to Jesus” — for those of you who don’t have any South running through your veins, it’s basically a “talking to.”

So what are we going to do? Are we going to clean up our rooms and play nice? I sure as hell want to. And I am pretty sure if you’re reading this, you do too. And that, is what this work is really all about.

The cleaning up of our rooms starts within. We have got to heal these wounded inner children of ours running around like bullies on a playground. We have to resolve the parts of us that keep us believing we are separate and cut off from Nature. 

Here’s to the New Earth – not some airy-fairy New Age hoopla; but a real, authentic vision from the living heart of Mother Earth!

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