A couple of weeks ago I asked you a question. I wanted to know how you made your initial faery connection. You can read the original blog post here. It has been a great inquiry of mine.

So I want to thank each and every one of you who responded.

Your shares were so rich, deep, and vulnerable;

Each one was so very unique. The moment you went from knowledge or knowing of faery (like yep, they exist) to having embodied experience of faery was, for some, an immediate moment, and for others a gradual unfolding.

And I couldn’t help but notice the similar themes:

  • looking back you can see how faery was trying to get your attention long before you made the actual connection.
  • there was often a start-stop between following this pursuit and giving it up due to lack of support (um, you’re crazy) or fear based on what we’ve been taught culturally, societally, and within the family unit.

And what finally did it for you was a combination of elements:

  • that one book you read that reflected back to you what you knew to be true
  • that teacher or class that helped you connect the dots and have a real-lived experience
  • going to a certain place or land whose keycodes activated a soul remembrance within you
  • learning and practicing some activity familiar to your soul from your ancient past (energy healing, dance, some art form or craft with your hands, gardening)
  • receiving a healing session or working with flower essences

Even though these all seem to be very different portals of remembrance, each one carries keycodes within its field of resonance. And when certain people with a certain resonance “meet” that book, person, land, art form, then the keys unlock our own soul knowing and remembrance.

What I can also clearly see is that each person has their own unique timing. Seeds are planted along the way. But which ones will sprout is a mystery.

A further mystery than that, however, is when that opening does eventually occur . . .

Who’s to say if it was the result of that moment in time


A cumulative effect of multiple past energies and interactions all tilling the soil and sowing seeds . . .

In the hope that one day the dawning realization of WHO YOU ARE will awaken within you. 

And shine from the inside out.

Because the magick and medicine that you carry is needed now.

This doesn’t have to be a heavy burden. In fact, take it from one who felt herself crumble under the weight of responsibility:

Your work can be light and joy-filled. Carrying your medicine into the world can be sheer delight. Being who you are fully and letting that radiate out can be the biggest self-pleasure turn-on that can enrapture your body, heart, and soul.

And sharing your gifts doesn’t have to be creating a spiritual business or teaching people about faery or even doing esoteric, mystical or energy work.

In fact, I think that’s where a lot of people get caught up.

They think they have to do what I do.

When I encourage you to share your gifts, I am not usually referring to energy or spirit work with others. Only in the very rare case is this someone’s calling.

Sharing your gifts could look like:

  • raising children in an open, loving, magical way;
  • teaching in a college or high school where the conventional Prussian education systems can be so mind-numbing and creativity sucking;
  • creating beautiful and magical art carrying your own codes of remembrance for people who engage with your work
  • writing fiction
  • working in a corporate office where you simply shine your light and your energy blesses the space and the people while also accepting them for who they are and where they are at on their journey.

The possibilities are truly endless.

What I want you to know is that you are amazing. I thank each of you for being here and sharing your heart and light with me in my wee corner of the world.

With love and gratitude,

Diomira Rose D’Agostino

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