I am dying to know . . .

When and how did you make your “faery connection”?

Okay, lemme back up because I realize I just dropped you in the middle of the story with that question.

Remember how I told you I was some strange cross between a bad-ass psychic detective and a truffle pig that sniffs out the cosmic clues and threads of real-life mythic stories?

If you don’t remember, you can read my recently renovated About Me. Or if you want to go a little deeper, you can read my recent article interview in the VoyageDenver.

Back to what I was saying.

I seem to have a sixth sense for pattern recognition at a high mythic and story level.

Might have something to do with my natal conjunction of Pallas Athene (strategic visionary for pattern recognition) and Jupiter (larger-than-life mythic storyteller) in my first house in the sign of Scorpio (intense, penetrating, a wee-poke obsessive when it comes to mysteries).

But I digress.

When I spot a particular pattern that keeps showing up again and again, I become a dog-with-a-bone:

.  .  . sometimes I grasp at it . . .

. . . or I roll around on the ground in good fun, chasing my tail,

. . . sometimes I hit up a partner in crime aka a sister who can hunt for clues with me in the mystery—you know who you are ;-)— (see the PS for further details)

. . . sometimes I just stand slack-jawed-still in stunned silence looking stupid 😂

So here’s the particular pattern that’s got my goat right now:

There are certain people that seem to have an invisible wall up between them and their faery connection.

Now I’m not talking about the gen pop, okay. So please don’t email me to explain that it’s because not everyone is connected to fae.

I am perfectly aware of that, thank you.

Listen, it’s not like I’m running around sharing with random folks about faery, and they’re like what the f is she on about?

So keep reading because this is sorta hard to explain if you’ve never encountered this before.

What I am saying is there are people who I have connected with in this work or through this work. People who are colleagues, friends, acquaintances who run in spiritual circles who CLEARLY have faery written all over them or at the very least energetically it “appears” as if they would GET the energy.

Whether or not they choose to work with it and follow it, is a whole other story, and I’m not talking about that either.

I’ll give an example: I’m talking to someone who is very proficient in spirit work, maybe even Gaian-centered spirit work or working with plants. But when someone starts talking about faery, they look like the matrix just glitched their brain.

There’s a quote in my book, Initiation: My Faery Soul Awakening where I describe this kind of glitchy moment when something in our awareness is not clicking into place:

“I am like a bicycle rider whose bike chain has jumped off its chainring, but she is still trying to pedal forward. The gear is spinning in my mind, trying to click into a place of understanding.”

It’s almost like a missing file:

Ever been searching for something on your computer, and when you finally find it and click it, a message comes up telling you it cannot be opened because the original file is MISSING.

And you’re like, but no, how is that possible? I’m looking right at you, File X. I see you. You’re right THERE.

But it’s no good. Because no matter how many times you click on that file or do another search, it still comes up MISSING.

That’s what this is like . . .

As if there’s a missing key code.

Is something just not turned on or activated yet? Dormant?

Or has some experience or energy—either past life or blood lineage or current spiritual linage you’re working with that might have no connection to your blood—created some kind of blockage?

I don’t have answers here.

Just more questions.

But here’s where you can help me with this inquiry.

Would you be willing to share with me:

When did you recognize your faery connection?

And by faery connection I mean:

1. feeling a deep affinity for this energy, realm or inhabitants,

2. A predisposition to working with this realm,

3. feeling or knowing you carry faery blood or your soul has faery energy.

4. knowing that the faery lineage and these beings are trying to get your attention

Also was there a time in your life when you just did not feel a connection to this energy or it was veiled to you for a long time and then one day you did suddenly GET IT?

As if a portal within your being opened and the light dawned.

Or maybe it was more subtle than that?

Or maybe you still don’t get it, and you’re just here with me because you like me or my energy but you can’t figure out why . . .

Please share with me where you’re at with this. If you don’t want to share in the comments, you can email me at connect@diomirarose.com and I will hold what you share in confidence and deep respect and tender caring.

This is a great inquiry of mine right now. And I appreciate any pieces to this puzzle you’d like to share.

Much love,


P.S. If you like this kind of roll-around-in-a-good-spirit-mystery, hunting for clues on what’s the deal with a particular mythic story or pattern of energy, then check out this podcast episode The Faery Queen with my dear friend Alexandria Sciarappa.

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