Imagine a timeless place filled with magic and wonder. This place exists at the deepest point within the forest, beneath the sacred hollow hills, shrouded in mist and buried in forgetfulness. You find yourself stepping softly along a spiral, sporadically moss-covered...
The most common mistake people make is that they don’t see their interaction with nature as a relationship. When reconnecting with the magic of nature, it is essential that it is a two-way street and to see it like a friendship Consider this: even when there is an...
For as long as I can remember I have dreamed of going to Colombia. More than for its appeal of natural beauty, a gentle tone within my heart sounded every time the country’s name was mentioned. Then I learned about the Kogi of Santa Marta, an Indigenous tribe that...
Have you ever been walking through a forest or tree-lined space and felt yourself relax and move into stillness and peace? Or maybe you even experienced a tingling sensation accompanied by a sense of well-being? There’s so much more going on here than just the...
It is with great pleasure, and a hint of melancholy, that I bring to you the final segment (to date) in the Story of the Hemlocks. As I mentioned, this story began for me some time in 2009. Shortly thereafter, I thought I had gained a clear understanding of what was...
The first full Faery workshop I ever taught was in December of 2009. I had been working with the Faeries, listening to what they wanted conveyed to the people who would attend. All the activities had come pretty easily, but the last one. Meant to be the culmination of...