Once upon a time, there was a sacred apple tree that flourished in the center of a magical garden . . .

There is a sacred apple tree in the center of my New Avalon temple garden (not the one pictured above).

The apple tree is the living symbol of the Heart of New Avalon. Like all trees, this tree is a bridge between the Otherworld and physical reality, emanating many codes of enchantment.

It is this tree that I have been dreaming with.

What does it mean that I’ve been dreaming with the New Avalon apple tree?

Dreaming is a way of being that is so embodied for me that I’m not sure I can explain it further.

I can create containers where you can experience what I mean. ✨There will be some wonderful offerings in the upcoming new year where you can play and journey with me in this way. ✨

But to try to explain the art of dreaming using words is no small feat.

I can say it’s meeting something or someone on the inner planes.

Or I can explain it as communing at a soul level.

But dreaming to me is a great deal more than that.

In the Faery Mysteries, to dream is to be dialed in to a different frequency, a different dimensional awareness while also being right here with everyone else in “ordinary reality”.

I spend a lot of time co-existing in this place between two worlds.

But in winter, I submerge fully in it.

Which is great for creativity and fertile insight, but I also slow down with activities like email writing.

Because my emails are less frequent during this time of the year, make sure you’re subscribed to the podcast. Because I don’t always announce new episodes when they’re released.

(you don’t have to subscribe on podbean; you can subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts)

Also many essences will no longer be available via retail. Some are going away completely or will only be available through programs or group containers.


Because the Apple Tree told me so. πŸ˜‚

Okay hopefully you know I’m joking—mostly.

Especially since a cornerstone of my work is sovereignty. I do not believe in giving our authority or power away to the spirit world, using the old “my spirit guides told me to” nonsense. But I digress.

What I mean is this:

As I mentioned I’ve been dreaming . . .

. . . with the Apple Tree 🍎

. . . with the heart of New Avalon

. . . with the Ancient Etheric Forest. 🌳

I can feel an enlivening pulse activating within me, infusing me with a resurgence of originality and aligning me even more deeply with the way my authentic essence and creations want to express in the world.

I’m being burned up and fired anew in the Great Kiln, that fountain of flame that blazes in the Heart of the World.

Elemental Whispers (the essence line) is morphing, phoenixing into her more illuminated form.

I cannot say more than this . . . yet.

But in the meantime, perhaps you’d like to contemplate what is dying and being born anew within you? Within your world?


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