For as long as I can remember I have dreamed of going to Colombia. More than for its appeal of natural beauty, a gentle tone within my heart sounded every time the country’s name was mentioned.
Then I learned about the Kogi of Santa Marta, an Indigenous tribe that resides at fairly high altitudes of the Sierra Nevada mountain range and who have managed to retain their traditional way, having passed their ancient wisdom of the Mysteries, generation after generation, almost unchanged. I resonated deeply with their lineage, and I decided that when I finally traveled to Colombia, I would seek them out.
In February of this year, I finally realized my dream of meeting this land.
A native Colombian friend and I made the journey.
About two days before leaving, I still had no idea how we were going to meet the Kogi. Most of the traditional channels to gain access to the Sierra Nevada were blocked, and we hadn’t a clue how it was all going to work out.
During a meditation for guidance, I heard a heartbeat-like pulsing, which I followed. Over streams and rivers, across the sea and to the mountains I was drawn.
That’s when I identified the sound I was hearing as the heartbeat of the Sierra Nevada mountains!
The pulse reverberated, striking chords within the fibers of my being. It was the mountains that had been beckoning me to come. All this time, it was the mountains!
I didn’t yet know why, but I knew I had to heed the call—finally.
To Be Continued…