I realized early on that letting go wasn’t always a “once and done.” It takes time. It deserves our respect.

This is what time and respect looked like for me. 

After five nights of Death Fires…

5 consecutive fire ceremonies held in fierce love and commitment to letting go. 

Last night was my last Death Fire vigil. Perhaps it was the hardest. 

For I released and gave death to the last vestiges of who I was.

I gave death to the Faery Light dream.

For it is complete, and now my heart is finally ready to announce to you, the Faery Light Community:

Faery Light Mystery School is closing. 

To be very clear, what I’m saying is that I’m closing my current business.

After 6+ amazing years Faery Light has fulfilled her soul purpose. And I have fulfilled mine. 

The sacred light work missions I have been guided to fulfill…

The stargate activations, the co-created light bridges, the bridged connections and openings between human and faery all around the planet…

The land healings, the human healings and activations…

So much light work, so much devotion, so much love.

And quite a few of you I had you by my side through so many of these missions. 

All of this has led to a total fulfillment of my soul contract here on the planet. 

I have completed my mission. 

This realization dawned with a heart full of both joy, but also grieving – lots of grieving. 

Because for so long I identified with Faery Light as my soul. 

But now my soul has evolved.

Faery Light has gone as far as she can go in her current form. So I have given death to her consciously, beautifully.

I love her and honor her so much. 

And I am so blessed and honored to have touched so many lives through this medium – lives both human and Faery, spirit and matter. So many bridges between these worlds have been created. 

And now it is time for Faery Light to recede into the void that lives in the heart womb of the Universe.

For Faery Light Mystery School has completed its journey. 

What this means for you:

Ending are sometimes welcome. Sometimes very hard. But almost always a bit messy and nonlinear. 

I am in the process of dismantling. The courses, the journeys, mostly all of it. 

If you are a member of one of my courses, you should have already received an email with instructions and steps to take so you can retain the content that you like. Remember all content must be downloaded by May 1st. If you did not, please email me and let me know. 

At this time, the website will remain up along with the blog which is a free resource filled with insights, inspiration and information for you. My YouTube channel will also remain up with those past videos available. 

As far as new content, emails and such – Faery Light has started to wind down. 

My devotion and love for Gaia and my connection to the Heart of Faerie and New Avalon remain constant, even through death’s door. 

And I have no doubt that I will rise as a phoenix from the ashes of death in a new form, fully Diomira Rose of the NOW. 

I love you. I honor you. It has been an honor to serve you in this form. 

Blessed Be.

Love, Diomira Rose

P.S. Over these final weeks I plan on sending a few resources that I have created or rediscovered and are particularly relevant to supporting you in the midst of these Great Earth Changes. 

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