We are journeying into the darkness (in the Northern Hemisphere) and I’ve personally gotten a head start on my underworld journey. I’ve been submerged in its depths for the last six months.

Catalyzed by covid, yes. But instead of looking for someone or something to blame, for me, the pandemic turned me inward. To take stock of my life and all its many facets. That inventory resulted in a soul decision to give death to my business and mystery school. And I have. Completely.

But something that became so very clear during the tears of dying and sadness that were part of this last six months is that I must remain true to myself.


Soul Alignment

I had followed my guidance and the voice of Spirit for a large part of my adult years. And I also found myself easily influenced by people around me telling me what to do and how to do my “art” or share my gifts. Telling me what the world needed and what it didn’t. And I let them. I gave my power away again and again. And yet, I’m not mad at all. It was all part of a beautiful process for me to refine my art of discernment and my truth.

And from the ashes of this great destruction that I consciously chose to participate in I am emerging. While who I am at my core essence is unchanging, no longer are “woulds and shoulds” around how to express myself in charge. I am now leading from my essence! And I am deeply committed to being in service – to Gaia, to humanity – from this place of true alignment.

Now rising up from the seed code of this soul essence are so many forms and ideas, offerings and sharings including a book which I’ve finished writing and is now in the final draft and final editing phase before I submit for publishing!


Deep Gratitude

I have several “containers” that I want to give special thanks to for supporting me in so many ways during this Underworld journey: Ameya of Women Rising Mystery School and the Flower Essence Practitioner Training; Meghan Gilroy of Fully Shining Women and the incredible Masterheart that is still holding me; and possibly the most intimate and hardest to talk about (and explain!) is New Avalon – the magical multi-realm community that was birthed from my heart here on the land that is my home.

Over time I will be sharing about some of my experiences over these last few months as a result of the holding and magic and intrinsic healing power of each of these containers. But for now I’d like to start with the one that is the closest to me:


The Unveiling of New Avalon

Avalon…many people have likened it to a place. And indeed it was a place. But for me when I connect into it, it was a dream of Faery and Human partnership. At its heart is the connection to the elemental realms and Faery through which we may come into relationship with the great wisdom, love and mysteries of the Earth, our mother.

So Avalon was more than a place, Avalon was a dream. And we have seen the traces of this dream play out on the pages of history and legend. And of course many of the old stories and many of those have been fulfilled.

However, there is a new story that is rising up from that which has composted, decayed and completed. And this new story is the Avalon of the Now and it has been born here. If the sacred whispers of the New Avalon lineage call to your soul, you might want to explore my offerings of classes and programs. All of my containers are aligned with the heart of New Avalon and are a beautiful way to immerse yourself in this energy and healing medicine of remembrance. 

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