With the moon rapidly ripening in her shining Aquarian glory, I can feel the gestation cycle that was seeded at 4 degrees Aquarius around January 24 of 2020, culminating in all its shining illumination. 

In preparation for our FULLY SHINING Women Full Moon Ceremony and Grand Opening, I have been deep in ceremony and seeing; aching, weaving, integrating timelines forwards and backwards; diving deep into the hallow and hollow of my being; tracing, facing, quaking . . .

Much has risen to the surface that connects to ancient soul truths and sacred ancestral memory. Voice and speaking has been a big theme for me. 

For others I’ve spoken to, it’s other themes: being seen, trusting, owning their power, recognizing themselves as leaders and potent sacred activists. 

What theme or emotion has bubbled up to the surface for you? 

Sometimes these most tender pieces that come forward are hard to put into words. Especially when they are multi-layered and multidimensional. Spanning multiple realities across time and space. 

This is why my soul poured out a poem instead. Embedded within it are codes of remembrance, enchantment and activation. I’d like to share it with you:

The Dragon and the Rose

The vow of silence cracks and crumbles, falling from my tongue,

A holy sacred song utters from my depths, 

of Reclamation, ruby petals and emerald serpents

Awakening Dragon Lines 

A Golden Grid.

The sapphire jewel of my throat flickers, awakening now too. 


We are RISING. 

As sisters, across time and space, throughout multiple dimensions, our tiny points of light that live within our hearts and wombs and voices are becoming many. 

Together we are weaving a womb and heart grid of New Earth Consciousness, for the love of Gaia compels us into devotion and service. 

We are here as part of her DREAM. 

Gaia’s Dream lives awake–a song sung from all our holy heart temples. 


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I am seeing my seeds of love and vision illuminating with this burgeoning moon.

What seeds did you plant at the New Moon in Aquarius in January of 2020 that is coming to fruition, shining like our Grandmother Moon in the sky at night? 

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