It’s hard to believe that just a week ago I was across the Big Pond.

The rains were pouring down much as they are now here in the Blue Ridge as I made my final drive across the UK.

From the Berwyn mountains in Wales to Windsor near Heathrow airport, the long 3.5 hr in the car gave me plenty of contemplatory time.

But if you’ve ever been on a power journey or sacred pilgrimage of a mystical nature, then you know integration and processing the experience can take weeks, sometimes months.

Some parts of it are seared in my soul, others, no matter how potent they felt in the moment, have yet to land fully in my body. Like a dream, some of the once-vivid details become fuzzy.

Re-reading journal entries is helping me. Also sitting in stillness. Also doing nothing, which I’m not very good at.

Another big part of this phase is not thinking about any of it. At least not forcing the pieces to fit in, the meaning of it all to clarify. Generally, my temperament tends toward reaching, striving, detecting, sniffing, hunting after. Sitting and allowing what wants to come and be revealed rather than chasing after it, can be a painfully slow process for me.

But each day, more pieces reveal. Some are shocking and surprising to consider.

There is still so much . . . unfolding.

If you listened to my podcast pre-departure, you know the intention I had for my journey at the start was about endings and beginnings. But mostly my plan consisted of not having a plan.

Genuinely, it was meant as an offering to the Sacred Unknown to co-create and weave the Web of Wyrd with me as I went.

Well, in terms of the unknown . . . this journey did not disappoint.

That being said, would it surprise you to learn that when the Unknown actually took over, I was completely surprised and resistant at first. The few ideas and loose sketch of a plan I did have were stomped on, crumpled up like a flimsy piece of paper, and shot from the free throw line across the court of the Universe into a big fat rubbish bin labeled TIME TO SURRENDER.

I was forced to relinquish preconceived notions, drop any agenda, and completely let go— (between you and me: it wasn’t my best look, nor has surrendering been a natural strength of mine historically).

I hope to share some of the jaw-dropping, WTF moments as well as the profound revelations with you at some point, but I’m not ready yet.

For now, I’d like you to know there is A LOT brewing.

Some of which will soon make its way out from my internal cauldron of inspiration, to you and into the world as creative offerings of the deepest love of my being and the Earth, of holy magick and nourishing enchantment for you.

Be on the lookout for classes, encoded storytelling circles, and new essences.

I collected 8 essences while on pilgrimage; with one casualty, only 7 of them made it back. The 7 essences are super potent and soul-shaking:

An ancient circle of yew trees, over a thousand years old . . .

A golden dragon rising in celebration from the top of the highest waterfall in all of Britain . . .

Magog, a 1000+ yr old oak tree, one of the original Oaks of Avalon who stood as guardians of the entrance of the Holy Isle of Avalon . . .

Dragons of Albion flying in a dance of elemental passion at the edge between land, sea and sky with the glowing burn of the setting sun . . .

Just to give you a sneak peek.

They’ll probably be made available for pre-order at a special introductory pre-order price very soon. Stay tuned for details.

For those of you who journeyed with me in spirit, you know who you, a deep bow of gratitude. It was deep, powerful, and intense AF. Thank you for being with me.

If you didn’t get a chance to watch the videos I created along the way, here they are:

Endings & Beginnings – Tintagel, Cornwall

The Wells Are Singing

I am so grateful for this Earth and for this beautiful Web of Life.

Sitting in a garden of love and beaming a splash to you,

Diomira Rose

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