The other day I walked to a place on my land where there is more moss than grass and plopped down.

It took a few minutes, longer than usual, to drop into my heart.

But then I listened to the flittering of the birds. I watched the trees sway gently in the breeze and glisten with drops of last night’s rain. And the softness of the moss felt so good on the soles of my feet…

Sitting there, letting the waves of anxiety from the collective release.

Dropping in, watching my pace slow from 100 to zero, it was like changing the speed on a video. Very obvious it had been sped up. 

I felt the hearts of all the nonphysical beings – Faery, elven, dragon, sasquatch, star, inner earth…a collective which I call Faery – that have gathered here for this intention and dream I call New Avalon that has awakened here on my land. 

Feeling the importance and desire to share with them: “This is what’s happening in the human world,” I said.

Then opening my heart wide, I bared it all. In words and feelings and images. What I was experiencing. What humanity was experiencing right now.

They offered hearts as witness to my share.

I wanted to hear from their perspective too: “What are you experiencing?” I wanted to know. 

Crumbling structures. Old patterns of authority breaking down. Old worlds dismantling. New worlds rising and blooming. 

 “Space is being created,” their collective voice said. “You had no space for your prayers and dreams to rise awake.”

 Seeds planted over the last years. Then over decades. Centuries. Millenia. Planted in the etheric soils of the Earth. 

 The seeds crack open. With our continued love, attention and prayers the seeds take root. From them, sprouting, thrusting toward the light of the physical world. 

 Now they crack and crumble and break open the old structures. Collapsing foundations that weren’t of integrity and truth and light. Destruction yes. But life too. Life and possibility and potentiality. 

Sitting at home and writing this email, I look outside my window. It doesn’t feel like all that much has changed.

  And yet, I can feel in my body the shift in the texture and flow of the Earth reality. 

 And I have a strange sense that this is a portent of the changes we have been waiting and working for so long. 

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