Full Story & Event Details

Tears streamed heavily as the realization dawned. Actually it struck, like an electrical shock, followed by confusion, resistance and anguish. They are leaving.

I’d gotten my first inkling of this back in 2018 while in a place of surreal beauty on the Isle of Skye. The Fairy Glen was a place I’d wanted to experience firsthand for years, ever since I’d first read about it.

I decided to visit on the tail end of my 2018 group Avalon journey. My plan was to travel on alone and take some down time in Scotland.

Once on this beautiful surreal island called Skye, I wondered what I might discover.

The rain was coming down so hard that day that my raincoat could hardly keep me dry. But the elements would not deter me. Instead I embraced them and pushed on, cold, alone and completely enchanted by the adventure and mystery of it all.

Then I sank into the heartbeat of the land. Even in the wetness, the plush green moss of the knolls did not disappoint. Climbing up hills, snaking my way along a faded trail, following nothing but the sound of my heart as it beat loudly in my chest and a soft imprint in the grass, left behind by a grazing sheep.

When I arrived at the top, I sat on a rock while the rain had its way with me.

It didn’t take long for me to realize that something strange was afoot, though. Tuning my inner ear just so, I quickly realized that there was not a flurry nor a flux on the inner-scape. There was no activity in the subtle realms!

So I relaxed and sank in a little deeper, as sometimes one must move through various strata to touch into the energetic threads of story and mythic reality in a place.


“They’ve gone,” I heard.

Who have gone? I asked.

“The Sidhe have gone.”

These answers came from a familiar presence, a spirit being I know well and who is of those lands, though no longer bound to them.

But to where, I wanted to know.

There was an empty sort of peace.

“Rather than depart to greener pastures,” he said, “they have left from this dimension, from this dream.”

Except for during the last moments of Atlantis, I’d never heard of or experienced anything like it before.

Nor since.

Until now.

Fast forward just over two years later.

It was in the stillness and ceremony of this past New Moon in Capricorn that I was made aware of a change occurring on the inner planes. I had called the beings that are my allies, friends and teachers to gather. As they started to arrive, I felt the sands of change stirring all around me.

Why did I suddenly feel so sad? Now tears streamed down my cheeks and I was wracked with an endless sobbing that I did not understand.

Something was ending, but what? What now! What more can possibly end! I railed. For I had given death to so much!

There is a changing of the guard, I heard the words as if they were whispered on winds that caressed my heart.

Further understanding was to follow. Here’s what I have learned:

There is a changing of the guard in the Otherworld. This seems to be a part of a larger pattern of movement. You may be aware of the massive amount of “new arrivals” that have been coming in to the Gaian Dream from other planetary systems and star places – the starry dragons, the new Sirian beings, even droves of off-planet elementals over this past summer; not to mention the crystal children and rainbow children.

With every input, there is an output. In, out; give, receive. These are the laws of nature. But I am shown that it is bigger than that.

As indicated with my experiences in both Avalon as well as on the Isle of Skye, there has been a great shifting taking place for some time. Old stories are completing, while new ones are just beginning.

Many powers of the land have fulfilled their purpose and completed their story on Gaia. Some of these beings are very well-known in the human world. Whether in myth or legend or from their collaborative efforts and magical workings with us over the last few millennia.

They have been here for a very long time. Through the last Great Year of 26,000 years and some much longer. Now their time within the Gaia Dream is at a close. A large group of them are choosing to depart. 

You may imagine how, with this revelation, my heart cracked open. I spent an eternity offering each one my deepest heartfelt gratitude, honoring and acknowledging each of them for their love, trust and partnership that we have shared. “For what was, what is and what shall be,” I said.

These beings will be departing soon.

I am guided to hold a vigil. A vigil means wakefulness, or a period of purposeful presence and devotional witnessing. So the intention is to hold space for these beings as they make their departure.

If you would like to join me in this Vigil, then your love and presence would be most welcome. May they depart with our love, gratitude and blessings.


Faery Vigil

This event will be a ceremonial space holding as these inner world beings make their exit from this Planetary Dream.
The time and date: Tuesday, February 9th at 6:30pm ET

You can join by clicking this link in realtime: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87351137064?pwd=Ync3eFVoNi8yTzdoNDBzWDc0a2J1UT09

There is no registration required. Below you will what to bring and how to prepare. *This event will NOT be recorded. 

What to Bring:

A candle and some way to light it

What to know before you attend:

The intent of this vigil is to hold space with deep love and reverence for the beings that are leaving. To honor the millennia of service they have given to Gaia and to all those who call this planet home.

It is so important that you process what feelings may come up for you prior to our vigil.  Please do not come with sadness or sorrow. Allow any grief that needs to be moved to be done prior to our call.  This vigil is being done for them in celebration and to offer our heartfelt gratitude that they so deserve.

If this resonates with you, I would love to see and feel you there.



Photo Credit: Rosemary Quade Nichols

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