If you’ve been hanging with me for a long time, you know I change with the seasons. Literally. In the autumn, I’m alive and active on the inner planes. I return from long inner-world journeys, brimming with medicine stories and inspiration.

In winter, I hibernate. I’m so inward, I might appear suspended in a sleeping state to the spirit world. They def seem to get the “closed for business” memo because they are very quiet—to me. There’s not a lot of chatter around me. I’m not invited to preside over or join very many council meetings. They respect the winter boundary. For that I am ever so grateful. 

By the time spring rolls around, I’ve gone so long without otherworldly connections that I can go into all kinds of doubts around my communication abilities and relationship skills. And it reminds me of a lingering ancestral fear—what if the sun does not return? Our ancestors made offerings and celebrated the Return of the Light with Winter Solstice—because who knows, the sun might just decide to pack it up at some point, right?

Thankfully, some time between spring equinox and Beltane, my energy shifts noticeably. Just like my ancestors would have done, I too celebrate the influx of spring and a joyful return to inner-world workings and conversations. 

However, this year was a little different for me. I’d received a message on the winds of Spirit that I was undergoing a huge shift and reconfiguring in the way I relate, interact and commune with all of life, the spirit and human world. And for this, it was like the network needed to be completely down! Offline. 

Sometimes going offline in our communications is of the utmost importance. It allows us to complete at one level and come into relationship with life at a whole new level of consciousness. 

On Easter Sunday, I was drinking in the nourishing rays of the sun as I sank deeply into the moss-laden grass, staring into the forest. Suddenly, I noticed a flickering of light that could only mean one thing—a visitor had arrived.

New Avalon is teeming with beings, so one showing up would be no surprise. However, this was a new arrival, “someone not from around here.” 

Most surprising was an insight born of our interaction that I hadn’t quite understood until now. 

The inner planes are restructuring too. Great! So it’s not just me. 😜

Not sure what that cryptic statement means fully at this point, but I’m watching, listening and waiting for more to be revealed.

I’m also wondering if you’ve felt this. Looking back, I realize I def have over the last few years. I just didn’t know what it was I had been feeling. 

I’m also curious if you’ve noticed an internal shift or reconfiguring in how you’re communicating or being in relationship to life—either spirit beings, faery, or even other humans. 

Do tell, if you please. I’d love to know. Just leave a comment below.💖

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