The Underworld and its spiritual forces ? act as bestowers and initiators of your power, wisdom and ✨ truth.
Truth can only be seen once all that is false falls away. And the energies and powers of the Underworld help you dissolve the illusions.
But it requires your willingness to explore what lay hidden within all those emotional pockets that many dare not touch.
Like ? gateway guardians, the dark crevices are all that lay between you and your deepest truth.
When I faced mine, I came to the scariest realization of all – not only was I a Faery Soul embodied as a human, But also I awakened to my encoded sacred Earth purpose to help others who are experiencing a ?? Faery Soul Awakening on Gaia ? at this time to REMEMBER.⠀⠀
And to do that, I have to tell the truth – the truth about myself, my journey and the truth about all of this.

If you can move beyond the clutches of fear that the darkness often triggers in us, I know you will be rewarded with magic and wonder.
However, to pass through these doorways, you must NOT turn away; You must instead face it head on and ? heart first. Acknowledge it. Witness its power. And only then does it become your ally, offering you a key ? to your own holy space within. ??

The Faery Light Mystery School offers a magical blueprint for unlocking the Faery Mysteries that can change your life and the way you interact with the world around you. It’s a soul awakening that leads to an activation of your purpose and power and wakes up the dormant codes within you that help you remember who you are and remember how to be the one that once walked and worked with these realms something as natural as waking up, breathing or blinking your eyes.

If you’d like to connect to talk and see if you’d like to work together, then grab a time here.

Looking forward to learning more about you and seeing how I might best serve you on your journey of Faery Soul Awakening.

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